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Old 29th January 2025, 08:18 AM
RWHB1 RWHB1 is offline
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Full Name: Russ Bulley
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Burton Latimer, Northamptonshire
Posts: 2,751
Default Edendale Crank Up


Edendale was filled with the sound of roaring engines and billowing
steam at the weekend as the Edendale Crank Up took place for another
The event was held from Friday until Sunday and people packed the
streets for the parade and then the Edendale Recreation Grounds for
the weekend.

Steam engine rides were available, massive trucks paraded around for
attentive fans, there were tractor pulls and classic machinery as far
as the eye could see. Edendale Crank Up
convener Sharron Caughey said the annual event had
plenty for motorheads, and everyone else, too.

"Today is a bit of a country fair sort of a day.

"We have a little something for everyone.
"Tractors, steam engines, plenty of food and activities for the kids
and entertainment all day," she said.
Mrs Caughey said although Crank Up’s main goal was to celebrate
vintage machinery, it was nice to accommodate allcomers, too.

"Primarily we’ve always been a vintage machinery exhibition.

"Mum and the kids might get a bit bored looking at all that, so we
chucked in all the crafts and the kids’ entertainment.

"We try to make it a real family affair, but vintage machinery is our

Mrs Caughey said the Crank Up changed its theme every year.
"This year we have Caterpillar, Field-Marshall, classic trucks, and
the emergency services vehicles as our main theme," she said.
Mrs Caughey said although it was hard to determine the exact number of
machines on display, there were a fair few.

"There’s quite a lot.

"I think we’ve had a couple hundred register but even more that
haven’t bothered to register," she said.

The Crank Up began on Friday with a parade through Edendale, which was
a great start to the weekend.

"There was a very good display on Friday.
"I think the parade took about an hour, and so there was quite a lot
on display," she said.
There was a large amount of foot traffic from motorheads and the like,
Mrs Caughey said, although she was unsure of the exact number.

"I have no idea.

"A few thousand, I would imagine, if I had to hazard a guess."

Mrs Caughey said the event would not be possible without all the help
they received.

"We’d really like to thank all our sponsors and everyone who worked
to make this weekend what it is," she said.

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