Thread: 2021 Rallys
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Old 6th May 2021, 07:22 PM
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Originally Posted by SimonT View Post
Until the hoards come back from their jolly in Ibiza where they caught the next installment...
Reading between the lines and looking at the statistics (rather than listening to the BBC), I've come to the conclusion that fundamentally its all over. At least in the UK

Even the governments own statistics say 20% of the population has had it (other sources believe nearer 35) and with whatever percent of adults now immunised (50 odd percent?, with a good percentage having had both doses), means that we are there or thereabouts for herd immunity. And things get better and better by the day.

1 dose of whatever they have to hand protects 100% from hospitalisation (and therefore death), and reduces likelyhood of transmission significantly. This seems to be true whatever the variant. The NHS isnt going to get overwhelmed anytime soon, or ever as things stand.

The point where Boris says go is fast approaching. And like it or lump it, if you dont want the jab he is going to simply wish you luck, while the rest of us get on with life.

We simply need to wait for the rest of the developed world to catch up, and travel to those countries will open up. It seems tavel to the less developed world is going to cost you another fortnight in isolation going forward. For the forseeable.

The worry is a variant that dodges the protection given by the various jabs, and given we are 18months in, its not happened yet, so what are the chances?. Either way theres sod all any of us (or indeed Boris) can do about that.

Frankly I couldnt care less if Boris did or didnt say that he would sooner see bodies piled high than another lockdown. I don't care if he said it, but I agree 100% with the sentiment.
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