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Old 6th July 2015, 12:39 PM
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jamespeterbrett jamespeterbrett is offline
Full Name: james peter brett
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Loddon, Norfolk & Nassington East Northamptonshire.
Posts: 1,223

Personally, I had a very enjoyable weekend with my engine on the saw bench, with our steward Colin Cracknal being most helpful, despite being 87 years only and just had a unsuccessful hip op. The issue over payment etc, from what we were told earlier in the year, was not his, but one that "rammed" (as it was put to me) home by the the powers that be. I do know a few years ago the commercial vehicles got up set, and last year the military got upset, (as did Natel Taylor) with one guy (who was named, as the chairman but this may not be correct) saying I have sorted out the Commercials, I have sorted out the military, now I am going to sort the ruddy steam out, further telling Natel that he did not want or need steam engines at "his" rally. This year there was one steward in a blue hat that was rude and offensive to Bill Middledich, and who also was very blunt and pushy towards people who were forced to move. This one man course a lot of upset, and I think should be removed from the rally team asap for the benefit of both the show and exhibitors! I understand words were spoken between Colin and this steward. Latter on in the day when there was a steam parade this steward in a blue hat then walked down the engine line, and abruptly told people that had to get in the ring "NOW" as there was to be a parade of the model steam engines, and any one telling him they couldn't due to a lack of steam was told they could as they had 10 mins, and that is all they needed. . . . . I made my self busy sawing up planks! (No i don't mean ones wearing blue halts on their heads )

Regarding the movement, we was told on the Saturday, that movement was allowed, but was restricted to the degree that no movement was permitted around the trade stalls and stationary engines, where the walk ways get crowded. (same as the previous few years) which makes a whole lot of sense to me, how ever the past two years, there has been a deff turn for the worse with H&S being forced down hard. Weather this comes with new blood on the committee or not, I am not in a position to state. All none necessary Movement was suspended for a while Sunday morning following heavy rain, allegedly at the request of the land owner, however the steward in the blue had stuck and had a go at any one who was moving.

Most of the stewards have been, were and are, very helpful, polite, and hardworking, but nearly all are in their latter years of life, and are struggling to find new fresh blood to come and help out. I think with Long Melford (as with another Suffolk Rally that has gone down hill over the years) it is a case of one rotten apple spoiling the lot, and unless people are willing and able to find the time to help out and join the FMPS and help run this once fantastic big rally, then it will continue to decline, which is a shame, as in 2011, it was the biggest rally for shear number of exhibitors in Suffolk. People complaining among themselves or winging in private do that bring about any useful change.

I can only comment as I find, and I enjoyed myself, all be it, it did seam a little strange not Having Natel there, and some of the model people who were moaning, would moan about anything, including the condition of the grass, the brightness of the sun, and the coldness of the water, but in all seriousness there was many people who were unhappy, and on a whole, it was decided that there was a lot less exhibits there than in the past, with the same name cropping up several times who was to blame, but this might just be ill feeling it may be true, not my place to comment on that.

Regarding children, this was the excuse for rearranging the stationary engine pens, stating they could not have children in the stationary engine enclosure. If I have ever been stopped in the past, I have always told the person that I am fully insured to carry passengers, of any age, regardless of what they may say, and if they have a issue, best they place it at the hands of my insurance company, which has lead to one or two heated chats, but where I have got my way. It seams who ever has taken over the H&S of this show in the last 3 years has gone Health and Safety mad!

It is a real shame that this fantastic show has taken a nose dive, and I hope that the reason for it can be ousted and normality returns and the show can carry on and continue to grow once more.
Quando nos Conservo noster herctum, nos protego noster futurum!

(When we preserve our heritage, we protect our future!)

Lord Brett, Bygones Manor, Chedgrave, Loddon, Norwich, Norfolk
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