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Old 4th September 2011, 06:27 PM
cocky_1987 cocky_1987 is offline
Full Name: Steve Cockram
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: North Devon
Posts: 607

The first full day at home since and the first chance I've had to post! Made my first visit for a while and only my second to the show and it didn't disappoint (once I eventually got there). Both times now I've found the site a nightmare to get to from the M5 side. The last section of dual carriageway along the A5 took the best part of an hour because if you stay in the left lane ready for the roundabout everyone overtakes and cuts in at the last minute, leaving those in the correct lane stuck slowly moving. This is more than a little frustrating when you've already been on the road for nearly 4 hours and can only spend one day at the show.

That grumble aside, it was well worth the journey and one of the best shows I've been to this year. Great selection of engines I've not seen before, brilliant working field and great to see a playpen for the engines to stretch their legs. Its also the only show I've ever been to where the crowds are several deep all around the ring for the grand parade, brilliant sight to see!

Here are a few of my pictures and all the rest can be found here (starting about a third of the way down):

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