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Steam Scenes 29th March 2010 08:18 PM

Thursford Collection Founders Day 2010
A few pictures I took at Thursford yesterday in Bushells Yard across the road from the main collection:

I'll put them on Steam Scenes when I can positively identify them, more on that later.

buggeroff 29th March 2010 08:42 PM

Cant beleive thats what they call preserving engines over in that yard, a very sorry state to leave them stood sheeted up like that.


sparkright 29th March 2010 08:45 PM

One day there is going to be one hell of a sale.

YYS4BOB 29th March 2010 08:47 PM

I have to say I find Thursford depressing. Just seems such a waste of engines. Only my feelings.

buggeroff 29th March 2010 08:50 PM

Sooner the better, this will give someone a chance of owning and restoring an engine that was owned by Mr Cushing, surely this is better than them just left out there to get any worse, and the money could be put to good use inside on the engines on show.


buzzy bee 29th March 2010 08:52 PM

All engines that are kept in this way no matter where they are or what type is a great shame when they are so sought after, and so many people are wanting to buy an engine, like myself a first engine etc.

Again, just my view, but seems it is shared by some others on here.

If any are looking for a nice dry shed to live in, let me know!! he he

steamboy 29th March 2010 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by Steam Scenes (Post 107660)
A few pictures I took at Thursford yesterday in Bushells Yard across the road from the main collection:

I'll put them on Steam Scenes when I can positively identify them, more on that later.

this one will look a bit different soon unforunatly as the headstock is only hold on by about 2 piece of 2 inchs of well corrored smoke box. i will post my photos when i get them off my phone.


UJ2225 30th March 2010 07:19 AM

When I quizzed the tour guide about getting something back into steam he said they were seriously thinking about relaying the railway and getting "cackler" back into steam.
Mind you I rather felt that the questions and answers he gave were rather choreographed.

Lets see what happens, but I rather feel it will be a very long time before and if ever we see one of the collections engines in steam.

As Ive said before (and many others) its all rather depressing. Poor old girls!

Jim S

Sir John 30th March 2010 02:56 PM

It baffles me why anyone would let someone walk round their property with a camera just so they can then come on here to moan about it.

At least they were saved from the scrap man in the first place.

Come to think of it at least they are covered, many an engine I know isn't all year round.

If it was my collection, I would read this bollocks and shut the gates and keep them shut.

If you want an engine, there are plenty for sale. Go buy one. You can then keep it how you see fit.

Just an opinion. No harm intended.

B&WLR Harry 30th March 2010 03:45 PM

I myself really enjoyed looking round (First time) - i must admit to begin with i was a bit sceptical and thought that it'd be much better getting them all into steam... BUT when i left i'd completly changed my mind.

Where else do you get to see engines as they were (Albeit a bit rustier) in their working days. I think thats its a godsend that people like me who never got to see them in their comercial lifes can finally see what they would have been like years ago and expecially since most of them are in their original paint. If i was restoring an engine (Especially and A&P Roller) i would be extremely grateful that i would be able to see some of the features that are sadly not often seen on engines nowadays for various reasons.

And leaving engines outside? I obviously don't know about their financial situation but if they had enough money i'm sure they would put the rest of the engines under propper cover!

I have however the viewpoint that if they have two engines which are pretty much the same then maybe it would be worth restoring/selling them to get them into steam.

I don't want to start an argument here - everyone has their own opinions!

Mine Explorer 30th March 2010 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by B&WLR Harry (Post 107767)
...Where else do you get to see engines as they were (Albeit a bit rustier) in their working days...

I'm not about to pass comment on Thursford, but with regard to Aveling rollers that can still be seen as they were in their working days...

...I can certainly think of one that was steaming within the last 12 months in essentially the same condition as when the council last used it in the 1960's ;) The engine in question also has lived outside with just a basic sheet over the motion for a number of years - much the same as how the council kept & used it!

buzzy bee 30th March 2010 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Sir John (Post 107764)
It baffles me why anyone would let someone walk round their property with a camera just so they can then come on here to moan about it.

At least they were saved from the scrap man in the first place.

Come to think of it at least they are covered, many an engine I know isn't all year round.

If it was my collection, I would read this bollocks and shut the gates and keep them shut.

If you want an engine, there are plenty for sale. Go buy one. You can then keep it how you see fit.

Just an opinion. No harm intended.

I just thought I better clear something up, moaning and having an oppinion on something is slightly different. I respect your oppinion as I hope you respect others, however moaning is the wrong word, in my oppinion! hehe

In regards to them saving them from the scrap man, they have all my respect and thanks, but maybe they need to think about the next chapter of these engines life.

There are as Ian said still a few engines in steam, that are in working clothes, there is no reason engines can't be in a maintained state, but still be in working clothes.

Right I better go now, before I get told off. Just to clarify, this is not aimed at Thursford, this is a comment in general!!



sparkright 30th March 2010 07:23 PM

To be honest I think "they" do a fairly good job. I am guessing the majority of the indoor engines are kept buffed up by volunteers? If so, hats off to them. It is a struggle sometimes to keep engines which are steamable in a presentable state when they are parked in the shed, let alone the huge number they have over there!
I've no problem with them being there. Some of the engines (rollers mainly) are not in working clothes, they are derelict and I can see those being sold eventually. For the time being at least they are well sheeted up.

SDSPS 30th March 2010 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by Sir John (Post 107764)
It baffles me why anyone would let someone walk round their property with a camera just so they can then come on here to moan about it.

At least they were saved from the scrap man in the first place.

Yes they were saved from the scrapman, but the engines in the yard are still deteriorating.

The best thing for the engines in the yard if they're never going to be housed in the museum would be to sell them to someone who would jump at the chance of owning &/or restoring an engine of their own.

The revenue the sales of these engines would bring could then be used to restore some of the other engines in the museum (or at least get the Showmans engines steamable again)

I'm sure George would rather them be restored & enjoyed rather than wasting away in the open.

sparkright 30th March 2010 07:41 PM

An engine wears a little every time you light a fire in it Neil. It is a shame, but they are covered up (which they were not for a long time) and they are probably going to be in the same condition as they are now if they stay put for another decade. Their time will come.

Sir John 30th March 2010 08:11 PM

Again, its all about personal opinion which is fine.

But Neil, when you buy them and own them you can do what you want with them.

They ain't no one elses property but the man that owns them. He is entitled to do whatever he likes with them and doesn't really deserve the same old right or wrong mumbles and grumbles he gets every year.

(Footnote: I really hope no one lifted sheets or covers to get close ups)

UJ2225 30th March 2010 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by Sir John (Post 107764)
It baffles me why anyone would let someone walk round their property with a camera just so they can then come on here to moan about it. More opinions rather than moaning.

At least they were saved from the scrap man in the first place. So they could sit there 50 years later and rot?

Come to think of it at least they are covered, many an engine I know isn't all year round.

If it was my collection, I would read this bollocks and shut the gates and keep them shut. Hardly a wise move when its people coming through the gate who pays the bills and wages!

If you want an engine, there are plenty for sale. Go buy one. You can then keep it how you see fit. Is that right?

Just an opinion. No harm intended.


Sir John 31st March 2010 07:25 AM

It baffles me why anyone would let someone walk round their property with a camera just so they can then come on here to moan about it. More opinions rather than moaning. As is mine, clearly stated.

At least they were saved from the scrap man in the first place. So they could sit there 50 years later and rot? At least they are still with us and not manhole covers

If it was my collection, I would read this bollocks and shut the gates and keep them shut. Hardly a wise move when its people coming through the gate who pays the bills and wages! Are the engines in this topic available for public viewing all year? I thought it was an invitation from the owner to view this particular selection of the collection, as it is off the main site. My mistake perhaps

If you want an engine, there are plenty for sale. Go buy one. You can then keep it how you see fit. Is that right? Yes there are plenty, if your looking for an Aveling Roller I can put you in touch with 4 or 5 owners currently trying to sell one.

Just an opinion. No harm intended. I only expressed mine. You don't have to agree with me - lol

weidner 31st March 2010 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by B&WLR Harry (Post 107767)
I myself really enjoyed looking round (First time) - i must admit to begin with i was a bit sceptical and thought that it'd be much better getting them all into steam... BUT when i left i'd completly changed my mind.

Where else do you get to see engines as they were (Albeit a bit rustier) in their working days. I think thats its a godsend that people like me who never got to see them in their comercial lifes can finally see what they would have been like years ago and expecially since most of them are in their original paint. If i was restoring an engine (Especially and A&P Roller) i would be extremely grateful that i would be able to see some of the features that are sadly not often seen on engines nowadays for various reasons.

And leaving engines outside? I obviously don't know about their financial situation but if they had enough money i'm sure they would put the rest of the engines under propper cover!

I have however the viewpoint that if they have two engines which are pretty much the same then maybe it would be worth restoring/selling them to get them into steam.

I don't want to start an argument here - everyone has their own opinions!

It may be that the whole lot are in a trust and that they cannot be sold off piecemeal .

buzzy bee 31st March 2010 10:31 AM


We are in this position at work every day, stuff being donated can't be sold on unless certain criteria is met.



SDSPS 31st March 2010 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by Sir John (Post 107868)
Are the engines in this topic available for public viewing all year? I thought it was an invitation from the owner to view this particular selection of the collection, as it is off the main site. My mistake perhaps

Yes they are available to see all season round if you pay the extra fiver to do the behind the scenes tour when visiting

B&WLR Harry 31st March 2010 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by weidner (Post 107885)
It may be that the whole lot are in a trust and that they cannot be sold off piecemeal .

I did wonder weather this may be the case.

Steam Scenes 31st March 2010 07:59 PM

Thanks to the kind assistance of another TT member I have identified all the engines in the yard and them on Steam Scenes. Probably the strangest collection of engine pictures you'll ever see!

Preview Maker Number Type Class Name Link Aveling & Porter 10003 Convertible Tractor M Pictures Here Aveling & Porter 10341 Convertible Road Roller M Pictures Here Aveling & Porter 10342 Road Roller F Pictures Here Aveling & Porter 10345 Road Roller B Pictures Here Aveling & Porter 10456 Road Roller E Pictures Here Aveling & Porter 10780 Road Roller D Pictures Here Aveling & Porter 11454 Road Roller C Pictures Here Aveling & Porter 11822 Road Roller D Pictures Here Aveling & Porter 12205 Road Roller C Pictures Here Aveling & Porter 14137 Road Roller AC Pictures Here

island steamer 31st March 2010 09:35 PM

Perhaps Thursford should have a 'come and paint an engine with oil day' then all those that are moaning oop's sorry commenting on the shame of them rotting away could donate a tub of engine oil and a brush and go and help keep these engines from getting any worse. I do wonder if some people have any idea what it takes in money and effort to restore an engine from this condition as i and many others have found out, not that i regret a moment. This is only my opinion of coarse.

UJ2225 1st April 2010 07:11 AM

People have actually volunteered to restore engines at Thursford but have their offers have been refused.
I certainley know of a couple of steam men from Norfolk who have volunteered their services.

Jim s

Mine Explorer 1st April 2010 07:57 AM

I realise this might be a bit of a radical suggestion for some to comprehend, but has anyone considered the possibility that perhaps the owners don't want all of their engines restored to working order?? ...and if that's the case, then is it too much to ask for people to respect that wish??

What's wrong with a lump of machinery being left 'as is'?
It can still be 'wanted' and 'appreciated' by its owners without needing to be operational.

There are times when I can't help feeling the worlds of 'steam railways' and 'road steam' aren't too dissimilar - and when people start universally moaning/complaining/passing comment about what others should do with their engines, especially a collection of them, the two worlds can appear to merge! :D

weidner 1st April 2010 08:08 AM

Yes Ian , too many boys , not enough toys .

UJ2225 1st April 2010 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by Mine Explorer (Post 108014)
I realise this might be a bit of a radical suggestion for some to comprehend, but has anyone considered the possibility that perhaps the owners don't want all of their engines restored to working order?? ...and if that's the case, then is it too much to ask for people to respect that wish??

What's wrong with a lump of machinery being left 'as is'?
It can still be 'wanted' and 'appreciated' by its owners without needing to be operational.

There are times when I can't help feeling the worlds of 'steam railways' and 'road steam' aren't too dissimilar - and when people start universally moaning/complaining/passing comment about what others should do with their engines, especially a collection of them, the two worlds can appear to merge! :D

Absolutely right but in the case of Thursford I dont think any are in working order and those outside especially one Aveling that Steamboy refers to will soon be down its its knees as there not a lot hodling the front end on and to me does not appear to be appreciated.

Dont get me wrong, Thursford is a great place but sadly lacking the atmosphere only live steam can give.

(only my opinion)

Jim S

buggeroff 1st April 2010 01:29 PM

well said that man.


Mine Explorer 1st April 2010 02:41 PM

Museums don't have to feature 'working' exhibits, in fact I suspect in general most don't.

If corrosion sees the front drop off a roller - well, that's nothing but the owner's problem.

I've seen machinery that was abandoned for scrap years before many of today's road engines were even built new. Sometimes watching nature take it's path and seeing a lump of iron return from whence it came has a peaceful charm of it's own.

weidner 1st April 2010 02:57 PM

I suppose that the logical thing is to replace the engines with computer generated plastic replicas , with no sharp corners and in bold primary colours , and sell the whole lot to Disneyland . Most of the public couldn't tell the difference , and wouldn't give a damn .

Mine Explorer 1st April 2010 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by weidner (Post 108074)
I suppose that the logical thing is to replace the engines with computer generated plastic replicas , with no sharp corners and in bold primary colours , and sell the whole lot to Disneyland . Most of the public couldn't tell the difference , and wouldn't give a damn .

Oh, you mean like <<this>>
...excepting for a moment the fact that it's at Universal Studios, not Disney - but it's the same idea!

Of course I still mourn the passing of the old Birmingham Science & Industry Museum
If I had a spare hour for lunch whilst at Uni I'd pop over there to make use of the cafe and stand and watch the stationary engines ticking over on a Wednesday.

From what I understand the "Think Tank" (so called) replacement turned all 'hands on' , 'touchy feely' , 'interpretted for the kiddies', and lost half the displays in the process. I couldn't (and still can't) bring myself to go and visit - better to keep happy memories of the old museum, now departed

buzzy bee 1st April 2010 04:37 PM

I personally think it is a shame to see machinery deteriorating, and being left outside unused for long periods of time, can't be doing anything ferous any good. Some times people have no choice, thats fair enough, as is what Ian says, if you want to keep an engine outside, unrestored, fair play, keep it outside, unrestored.

Kieth, I like your idea with the oil! When do you want me to come? hehe Maybe saying people don't understand what it costs to restore/ repair an engine on a engine forum, is a bit nieve, but that may well be the case in the general public, if money is the problem, maybe we need to raise some for them, if it is time, maybe they need more volunteers, I have no Idea, as I have never been there, don't know them etc.

Universally, moaning, not quite the right word again, we are all passing oppinions, what a forum is, all any of us know the owner(s)maybe desperate to restore the engines that are sheeted up, therefore everyones comments, oppinions are moaning in regard to leaving them how they are?

I think people have to remember forums will allways have people sharing oppinions, we don't have/have to share the same oppinions, and we are all free to have an oppinion. I find it really anoying when these conversations turn into two sided rows, all forums have them, and it really anoyes me. If we can all pass oppinions without resulting in sided arguements, it will do for me! hehe

Right, I expect this will case an arguement now! In that case I am off out to play with my bees! They never argue back, just sting my ears!

Mine Explorer 1st April 2010 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by buzzy bee (Post 108078)
...They never argue back, just sting my ears!

Err - and that's not arguing with your theft of their honey?!

weidner 1st April 2010 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Mine Explorer (Post 108077)
Oh, you mean like <<this>>
...excepting for a moment the fact that it's at Universal Studios, not Disney - but it's the same idea!

Of course I still mourn the passing of the old Birmingham Science & Industry Museum
If I had a spare hour for lunch whilst at Uni I'd pop over there to make use of the cafe and stand and watch the stationary engines ticking over on a Wednesday.

From what I understand the "Think Tank" (so called) replacement turned all 'hands on' , 'touchy feely' , 'interpretted for the kiddies', and lost half the displays in the process. I couldn't (and still can't) bring myself to go and visit - better to keep happy memories of the old museum, now departed

They did the same in Newcastle , Lord knows where the exhibits have gone .

Malc-Y 1st April 2010 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by weidner (Post 108085)
They did the same in Newcastle , Lord knows where the exhibits have gone .

I had the same thoughts a couple of weeks ago when during a brief (three days) visit to Newcastle we went to the new 'Discovery' Museum (didn't see any Discoverys in there though! :D). Apart from the 'Turbinia' there was nothing that I could remember from the old 'Exhibition Park' museum. Having said that there are some interesting exhibits in there, we spent a pleasant morning there before finding a real ale pub for a spot of lunch. Outside the entrance to the museum I was quite surprised to see a Burrell showman's engine in steam, it was 'Excelsior' No 3878, last time I saw it, it was named 'Island Chief'.
By the way, Tomo was on the footplate at the time.

Malc. :cool:

Timothy Hackworth Jr 1st April 2010 08:09 PM

That explains why I passed it heading north on the A1 on Thursday 18th March then...thank you!

And as for where all the nice stuff from Newcastle has gone, most of it is now in the regional resource centre at Beamish, visible through windows apart from when they hold store tours.

Sir John 1st April 2010 09:28 PM

I don't think anyone is having a row. There is a difference in opinions. I think everyone respects that not everyone agrees.

I only expressed my opinion and despite thinking again about a point or two raised, I stand by the point I was originally making. It doesn't mean I am right or wrong.

buzzy bee 1st April 2010 09:41 PM


I didn'tmean it was a row, but things do escalate, and I didn't want to be seen as rowing, or causing a row, for just like you, having an oppinion, so made the point I did.

Anyway,I amgoing to agree to disagreeon this one,and don't thinkI will say muchmore on the topic.



island steamer 1st April 2010 10:14 PM

(Kieth, I like your idea with the oil! When do you want me to come? hehe Maybe saying people don't understand what it costs to restore/ repair an engine on a engine forum, is a bit nieve, but that may well be the case in the general public, if money is the problem, maybe we need to raise some for them, if it is time, maybe they need more volunteers, I have no Idea, as I have never been there, don't know them etc.)

I didn't mean to generalize with my comment about cost of restoring an engine but im sure there are some on here who would love to own an engine but dont understand the cost involved until they start the process. I for one would love to see all the engines at Thursford up and running but i suspect that cost is the key problem there. I agree that it would be nice for some of the engines to be sold to those that would put them back to working order but as has been said on here that it is up to the owners to do what they want with them as they please.
I seem to remember going through all this last founders day, it will come up time and time again. I only hope that the kind folk at Thursford dont stop founders day if they find out about the sort of discussions on here as i think some of the comments could be wrongly interpreted.

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