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weidner 24th October 2010 07:26 PM

Admiral Togo , C in C of the Japanese Grand Fleet , defeated the Russian's Port Arthur squadron at the Battle of the Yellow Sea in August 1904 . The Russians then sailed their Baltic fleet half way around the world , to have them blown out of the water by Togo at Tsushima in May 1905 .

Burrells . or old man Ball , were quite quick off the mark , 2706 being sent away on 14 October '04

Britain had supplied all three fleets , so it was all awfully good for business .

8_10 Brass Cleaner 24th October 2010 07:58 PM

Chris, a guy called rawcliffe had it before the club, that is he bought it from Balls.

I always wonder wht Issac Ball named some of his engines, clearly Admiral Togo was a famous man, and no doubt in all the papers, and I don't think he had done any damage to the British Empire

Cristiaan Rudolf de Wet was a different matter. One of the celebrated Generals of the earlier anglo Boer war, then in the Boer War proper gave us brits more than one good kicking!. He was probably the best of the Boer leader. By 1903 he had been acting president of the Orange Free State and had toured Europe. Strikes me an odd thing to call an engine after an ememy.

After all, nobody called any engines after Erwin Rommell!

weidner 24th October 2010 08:14 PM

Perhaps Old Ball had a sense of humour ?

Rosbotham 24th October 2010 09:13 PM

Admiral Togo was seen as a hero by the Britsh press/public for defeating the Russians because the Russian fleet on their outward voyage had attacked some english fishing trawlers (claiming they were Japanese torpedo boats) I think 2 were sunk. The Britsh fleet were sent to intervene and chased the Russian fleet into port only major diplomatic work prevented it becoming a serious diplomatic incident. From the accounts of the day the Russian gunnery must have been truly piss poor as several thousand shells were "aimed" at the fishing fleet but fortunately very few found their mark.

The name is reputed to have been removed on Isaacs instructions after Pearl Harbour and the start of Japanese attacks on British interests in the far east.

There is a picture of her in the Lancashire edition of Steaming (Feb 76) being retubed in April 1958.

Not long after that Raymond Rawcliffe bought her from Balls but then sold her to the club. The first NSCTEC rally she attended was Alton Towers in 61.

Now the big question for me is did she have a name plate like on C.R Dewet (circular on the tool box) or a burrell style one below the cylinder block on the flywheel side?. I think it could well be the later as when she was at Alton towers in 61 she had a fleet number plate and it was not on the flywheel side as all the photos I have seen of her at that time are of course from that side.

8_10 Brass Cleaner 24th October 2010 09:42 PM

Alton Towers 1961

weidner 24th October 2010 10:29 PM

Burrells sent Togo away on 14th October 1904 , the Russians shelled the fising boats on the night of 21st October , and the damaged boats limped into Hull with the news on 23rd . I do wonder what was the chronology of the naming .

General C.R Dewet 25th October 2010 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by 8_10 Brass Cleaner (Post 134669)
Chris, a guy called rawcliffe had it before the club, that is he bought it from Balls.

I always wonder wht Issac Ball named some of his engines, clearly Admiral Togo was a famous man, and no doubt in all the papers, and I don't think he had done any damage to the British Empire

Cristiaan Rudolf de Wet was a different matter. One of the celebrated Generals of the earlier anglo Boer war, then in the Boer War proper gave us brits more than one good kicking!. He was probably the best of the Boer leader. By 1903 he had been acting president of the Orange Free State and had toured Europe. Strikes me an odd thing to call an engine after an ememy.

After all, nobody called any engines after Erwin Rommell!

I guess he just wanted to call the two engines of his order after the opposing generals, however it does seem odd that he called the first one after the enemy - probably he just thought that he was a damn good general and and he was lucky as he got a damn good engine to suit the name !!;)

wamjl50 26th October 2010 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by wamjl50 (Post 134278)
Burrell TB 2845 Admiral Togo. Ex Isaac Ball A place called Findern Open day of a man named Dennis Walker about 1972 [img]

The man's name was actually Dennis Waters who at that time owned Marshall S type roller Anne. He used to organise a steam party at the Greyhound pub next to the canal in Findern. O happy days:)

Anyone know what's happened to Marshall roller 'Anne'. Can't remember the works number. Is it still at Klondyke?

aveling barford
Full Name: peter jacobs
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: east midlands
Posts: 93
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Have you any more photos of this do Bozi? The roller next to Anne is W&S Caroline, when Alfie Baker owned it.

Reply With Quote I have some more pictures of this steam party Donated by Harry Turner Harry and Charlie Bowen on the footplate of picture 1 picture 2 is Don pritchard and Charlie Don owned Fowler D2 14333 Hope you like this set

Bosiboz 26th October 2010 04:50 PM

Thanks for posting brings back many happy memories. I do have some more photos of these events but can't seem to locate them at present.

Bosiboz 27th October 2010 09:13 AM

Here's a few I've found - quality is a bit ropey though

1. Foster 14410 Sprig; Van Houten's Foden; Garrett 'Olive'

2. W&S Roller 'Caroline'

3. Marshall Rollers - 'Goolie', Blodwen, Anne, Garrett 'Olive', Van Houten Foden, Foster 'Sprig'

4. Foster '14410 Sprig'

5. Foster '14410 Sprig'

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