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Mrs Broken Firebar 7th June 2010 06:00 PM

Just returned from Ireland after a busy weekend steaming. Met up with all the lads and girls on the run. Had a fantastic time and so did Junior Firebars. Must say many thanks to all who were involved in organising and helping on the run, WHAT A WELL ORGANISED EVENT!!
Thanks to Sawman who let me have a go steering the last leg from Halfway to Innishannon Rally, really enjoyed it! Thanks to Basil for the loan of Ophelia for the rally, she was much admired!
Thanks also to celtic steamer's lovely lady Teresa who was wonderful in feeding us all. What a great crowd those Irish lads and girls are!
Boys should be back late tomorrow, hopefully cleaner than when I last saw them. Will post some pics soon but got to shotblast Juniors!!

8_10 Brass Cleaner 7th June 2010 07:39 PM

LOL Sarah. Saw Becks on farcebook, she was as black as coal!

Mrs Broken Firebar 7th June 2010 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by 8_10 Brass Cleaner (Post 116317)
LOL Sarah. Saw Becks on farcebook, she was as black as coal!

Oh yes Hedd, black is not the word!! She made a good job of polishing the coal with her face lol!!

Broken Firebar 8th June 2010 12:29 PM

Totally agree with the Mrs.

Spot on all the way and a barrel of laughs.

Thanks to all.

Boat back tonight and back to the grind.

Oh - and yes, we smell sweeter now!! ;)

Steaming North 8th June 2010 12:33 PM

My turn now.

Brilliant week from start to finish. Thanks to everyone who organised it, everyone who fed and watered me, everyone who gave me somewhere to sleep (including the night spent on a pallet of coal) and to Sawman for inviting me along.

Fantastic event - as Sawman said on Saturday night, we could all learn a lot from Ireland.



Broken Firebar 9th June 2010 10:18 AM

Back in Blighty now.

A week of fun, which I will never forget.

Thanks to the Irish boys and girls for such a good time and all in a good cause.

All involved should be congratulated for their superb organisation and support. I agree that we have a lot to learn. Well done.

Noel Glynn kept asking me when we were going to organise a similar event over here..........

I have met some smashing people over there who were previously names on a page and made some good friends.

One of the funniest things was at the very start -

The safety briefing by Willie Bermingham - Safety Man, Paramedic and general comic -

"OK boys - when youre off the engine wear your flash jackets (hi viz) cos its the rubber neckers - they'll fu**ing kill you!"

Congrats should go to Mike Dreelan for getting back to Innishannon despite his catastrophe. A very determined man!

Thanks to all again - when I get 5 I will post some photos.


mudhole100 9th June 2010 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Broken Firebar (Post 116574)
Back in Blighty now.

Congrats should go to Mike Dreelan for getting back to Innishannon despite his catastrophe. A very determined man!


What happened to Mike?

Broken Firebar 9th June 2010 02:17 PM

He slipped off the living van steps and broke his ankle. It was a real shame.

Fowlermor 9th June 2010 06:23 PM

Hi Guys,
Thanks for all your kind comments about the run.
I was very glad to be part of the organizing team, but the real thanks has to go to Noel Glynn and his wife Chris for undertaking the event in the first place.

The sheer success of the event can only be put down to the endless hours they put into every detail of the route, the overnight stops, the Water, Coal, Breakdown, Safety support crews.

The first Dublin to Cork Road Run was in 2000, and, with a bit of luck, and a bit of encouragement who knows we may persuade Noel and Chris to organize another Road Run sooner than 10 years.


Please don't forget to post a few photos if you have some.

sawman 9th June 2010 07:55 PM

I must add my thanks to everyone involved with the Road Run.For me personally, the crew that I had were fantastic as were the guys and girls on the other engines.
Noel and Chris Glynn did a super human job,and i can not thank them enough for all the hours of preparation that they must have had to put in.


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