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Old 2nd September 2014, 12:03 PM
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Phillip Jones Phillip Jones is offline
Full Name: Phillip Morland-Jones
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Bristol
Posts: 311

i think this "information black hole" is one thing that lets down rallies. would you expect to go to a zoo and look at animals whilst only having a vague knowledge of what they were? Most people have no recollection of these vehicles working and on several occasions last week I had people asking questions that I would have considered to be "basic" knowledge even to someone who wasn't a traction engine enthusiast - not all young people.

I was in Rome in July and the place was full of people walking round with earphones on and little boxes hanging round there necks on audio tours getting all the information about the historic sites. Maybe this is an idea that could be extended to a canny rally committee? or even better a downloadable app or a podcast - then all you have to do is ask people to download it before they come along and press play when they arrive at a specific area - stick a big number up on a pole - 1 for threshing, 2 for haulage, Showman's line up and so on, and the punter gets a nice 10 Minuit talk about whats going on in front of him.

*edit* we had a similar thing at the pay gate for Longleat safari park last year - a free information CD for the car player.
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