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Old 30th August 2014, 08:51 PM
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Paul30013 Paul30013 is offline
Full Name: Paul Kemp
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Originally Posted by Radhew View Post
...after thinking about this for a bit I am not sure anything particulary "kills" a rally, but I get bored when I see the same engines/exhibits, in the same locations, year-in-year-out. And when I am bored, I don't go back again.

Some blokes/rally committees have worked hard to get this right, such as prior events at Cerney, but for the ones I attend in Kent its mainly the same old stuff. Having trudged through the mud in Dorset this year, I got the same feeling so may give it a miss for a year or two (sure, I know Gigantic was there, and the trenches and everything... but it all felt very familiar).

So Tom, familiarity breeds contempt....
Engines being a pretty finite resource and difficult to transport it must be difficult for organisers wherever they are to attract / bring in new engines from other parts of the country though? As an example what would be the attraction or incentive for engines from oop North or the South West to visit rallies in Kent? I don't disagree with what you are suggesting but new exhibits is a tough thing to address I would think, so all you can do is shuffle things around a bit. Our little gathering in Canterbury gets plenty of support from the public and its surprising how many are repeat visitors year on year. Free admission and free parking help I guess lol.

Strange - There is never enough time to do the job properly but there is always enough time to do it again when it goes wrong!
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