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rallygoer69 24th July 2015 06:33 PM

Pickering latest
I have read with interest the recent posts on the steam rally at Pickering Showfield and am amazed that nobody has realised the local authority did not grant a licence for the rally this Monday. A decision on whether to grant a licence has been deferred until a meeting of the council next week. Its going to be tight as some of the crews were going up Sunday.

SDSPS 24th July 2015 08:19 PM

Still a farce then! Surely you would've had the licence paperwork dealt with months ago?

Robert The Bruce 25th July 2015 06:47 AM

This all seems very strange. Perimeter fencing erected, security on site. Also signs in the Market Place informing public that the street will be closed on Saturday 1st August from 16.30hrs. Seems a lot of trouble and expense if no licence granted.
But this is Pickering rally we are talking about.

Notsur Rotcorp 25th July 2015 09:16 AM

Maybe somebody could explain/clarify what is meant by a 'licence' for the event?

steamy1 25th July 2015 10:06 AM

I guess an Alcohol Licence, no Licence no Beer.

Steamhead21 25th July 2015 05:50 PM

Pickering latest
Have e-mailed organiser to see what is going on.

International Steam 25th July 2015 07:00 PM

Pickering latest

I don't know if 1 month is the normal notice period..

Notsur Rotcorp 25th July 2015 09:45 PM

Seems straightforward enough to me... Also seems an odd introductory post from a new user, unless they have an agenda of course....

8_10 Brass Cleaner 26th July 2015 08:14 AM

As long as we dont need to listen to the moaning on here in the aftermath. IF you go to one or the other good luck to you.

TBirdFrank 27th July 2015 12:33 AM

If you read the guidelines for the grant of a premises licence - which this is, then -

Only the police can object

If there are no objections then the grant is all but assumed

Strikes me that any adjournment is to allow a site inspection and clarification, as a refusal could be very, very messy, as the promoter now has a track record of events elsewhere in the country that have gone off smoothly.

I am not going and am not involved in either - but I do know the one I would not attend!

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