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****ian**** 21st February 2015 12:04 PM

Demise of Steam Fair FM
Very disappointed to see this announcement: apparently posted on the 16th of Feb.

Will miss all of the features - Dr Busker on the Radio, Squirrel discussing broken Tractors, Martin Oliver on the Friday, and, most importantly on a year like last year, up to date showground information where the Mobile reception left a lot to be desired.

Always thought this was a good way of getting the Peservation Movement "out there" to a greater audience & to me it has become as much a part of the show as the Cider tent.

Not quite sure how travel information etc. will be distributed without this valuable feature.

BUNGLE 21st February 2015 07:36 PM

Bad news indeed :(

steamy1 21st February 2015 07:38 PM

It was great listening to it at home on the PC too.

BLACK HANDS 21st February 2015 09:48 PM

If it's money that's the problem, surely, there's a market out there for sponsorship? The station was a great benefit to the show, bringing news from the show ground straight to those that couldn't make it. Surely some dosh could be saved elswhare on the job to give support to this service that DOES bring in an audience from outside the 'lads on site' and gets other people interested.i don't know about you out there, but I know quite a few people that tune in to this station, that can't get there, like to know what's going on, and get a little bit of the buzz that comes from the show. How about a whip round from traction talk to see if we can keep it going?

craigctt 21st February 2015 11:48 PM

Has there been a coverage problem in recent years. The reason I ask is every year when we are on the road queuing up to get in, say a mile or so before we get off the main road. We see the signs for Steam FM on the verge. We try to tune in and get nothing. This has been the same weather we are in the Scania, ERF or the van. We have only been able to get coverage when we have been on site in the camping area. Last year I managed to get it on the iPad through the Internet but nothing through the radio on the frequency from the que on the road.

Dunrolling 22nd February 2015 05:17 AM


Sick of brasso 22nd February 2015 07:04 AM

Gutted!!! We just bought a new caravan with a radio in it to!!!! :(


steamy1 22nd February 2015 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by craigctt (Post 328351)
Has there been a coverage problem in recent years. The reason I ask is every year when we are on the road queuing up to get in, say a mile or so before we get off the main road. We see the signs for Steam FM on the verge. We try to tune in and get nothing. This has been the same weather we are in the Scania, ERF or the van. We have only been able to get coverage when we have been on site in the camping area. Last year I managed to get it on the iPad through the Internet but nothing through the radio on the frequency from the que on the road.

I think their range was probably restricted by the terms of their licence.

BUNGLE 22nd February 2015 04:26 PM

Yes, it was on a restricted licence, it was mentioned on their 'trailers' (the ad type, not the engine type !!)

Mac1652 22nd February 2015 04:45 PM

As has been mentioned elsewhere, I will miss the features and the Martin Oliver interview, it did prove particularly useful last year when we started queuing miles from the site entrance. We could get up to the minute information on site conditions and more importantly know that we would be booked in regardless of when we finally got to the gate (in our case 23:00 on the Tuesday night). If the same happens this year (lets hope I doesn't!) I think the lack of information will prove frustrating to some people as it has been available on the wireless in previous years.

worlds fair devon 22nd February 2015 04:52 PM

That's a real shame. like some others I used to listen to it at home, on the days when I wasn't there. Also agree about the travel info. Somehow, when you came through Pimperne, and re-tuned the radio, you knew you were nearly there. Great pity.

chief polisher 23rd February 2015 08:08 PM

The following is from someone on the net who doesn't go to Dorset.

"Listening to this a lot on line at the moment. Best selection of oldies I've heard in a long time and great slick presentation/transitions. Why can't permanent stations sound like this? They sound enthusiastic about what they're doing."

They must of been doing something right. A real shame in my opinion.



steamy1 23rd February 2015 09:10 PM

I gave a link to a not interested in Steam Australian Friend and he loved it, He listened to it for the duration in fact.

Madore 24th February 2015 08:01 AM

Steam Fair FM.
What a pity, they were brilliant at keeping us up to date with all that was going at the Show. It will be a much quitter place without them.

Steam Scenes 24th February 2015 09:12 AM

I'll really miss it. It was a useful source of info, and I got to know of quite a few things going on which otherwise I would have missed (Countryfile on JW's engine is one that springs to mind). I used to tune in online prior to going down to the show. Maybe somebody will take it on again for 2016.

Steaming North 24th February 2015 10:42 AM

Am I the only one who thought it was dreadful and won't miss it at all?

CillitBang 24th February 2015 11:58 AM

Bit better news from the man himself today :D:

Following our notice yesterday, I would like to thank everyone for their replies. Clearly, by the number of replies and comments received there is overwhelming support for the Radio Station at the GDSF.
Certainly I think the Steam Fair management did not realise how popular Steam Fair FM is and as such I feel it is only right to re-open negotiations with Patrick Heeley of Event Radio Associates. There are, of course, still important cost issues to be resolved but I am more than happy to talk to Patrick again to see what options might still be available and to see if any headway can be made regarding the Radio Station broadcasting at this year's show.
I will keep you posted.
Kind regards,
Martin Oliver

ruston-tom 24th February 2015 12:05 PM

Dorset is a holiday and I want to detach from the world and I don’t want to listen to commercial radio. It keeps you involved reminding you that you're not just in any other caravan park when your miles away from the site in the camping fields. I also listen online over the bank holiday weekend if I'm not already on site. It is cheesy but at the same time its unique to Dorset and has become integral to the Dorset experience.

I understand the economic issue and have often questioned myself if the advertising & sponsorship pays! However, there was a butcher who advertised and I did make the trek over to the civilised end of the site to stock up on some decent meat so maybe it works!


Steam Scenes 24th February 2015 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Steaming North (Post 328573)
Am I the only one who thought it was dreadful and won't miss it at all?

The music was dreadful but then almost all the music at GDSF is dreadful.

Phillip Jones 24th February 2015 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Steam Scenes (Post 328594)
The music was dreadful but then almost all the music at GDSF is dreadful.

At least you can turn the volume of Steamfair FM down.

lisajc 24th February 2015 10:07 PM

The thing about Steam Fair FM is that it was just about GDSF. The music was really cheesy, but, if you were sat in the queue waiting to get on or off site, you knew what was happening. If you were in your caravan waiting for the rain to stop, you knew what was happening. Integral part of the whole event. Lets hope Mr Oliver & Co can get it sorted.

Joe Black, you're just a grumpy wotzit :-)

Dunrolling 25th February 2015 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by Steaming North (Post 328573)
Am I the only one who thought it was dreadful and won't miss it at all?

You could always find the knob ..........(on-off)

Mr. Fettler 25th February 2015 04:18 PM

Listening to the weather reports on access in to Dorset, amount of mud, traffic jams etc is great (via the net while at home).
If it hadn't been for steam fm last year I certainly wouldn't have bothered attending after watching the BBC weather reports, AND I had a great time.

Yes it's cheesy, yes it plays loads of old hits but if it's not your cup of tea, then listen to something else or put a tape on.

I for one will certainly miss it and actually look forward to it each year, it puts me in the mood.

davidnclare 25th February 2015 04:45 PM

I listened to it when not at the show, it is a pity it will not be there, does anybody know what sort of finance would need to be raised to have it at the show this years?

worlds fair devon 25th February 2015 07:49 PM

What's a tape? seriously though, if cost is the problem, I'm sure there are some "non steam" and in fact "non steam fair attractions" that they could do without. Monster trucks spring to mind. There, I've said it.

****ian**** 9th March 2015 06:36 PM

And it looks like Steam Fair FM is safe again.

Thanks to NTET & GDSF for supporting it, and everyone who has commented everywhere.

NTET 10th March 2015 09:00 AM

Further details on the National Traction Engine Trust website

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